Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning

Original paper · Vinyals et al 2019

DeepMind's foray into StarCraft II was ambitious. Beyond mere gameplay efficiency, AlphaStar assimilated both human and agent data, evolving strategies through deep neural networks. Designed with general-purpose learning methods, its architecture was meant to serve beyond StarCraft II.

Understanding StarCraft II

The Landscape of StarCraft II

In its core, StarCraft II is a 1v1 game where players select from three unique races—Terran, Protoss, and Zerg—each carrying distinct units, buildings, mechanics, and strategies. An added element of unpredictability is the Random race, providing a player with a race chosen at random. Victory is clinched when one player loses all their buildings.

Supervised Learning: The Initial Step

Before delving into reinforcement learning, AlphaStar's journey began with supervised learning. This phase leveraged a dataset containing human game replays, serving multiple purposes:

  1. Feature Extraction: The raw game data, though vast, contains a wealth of information on player strategies, common game progressions, and more. Extracting these features was crucial to provide an initial structure for the model.
  2. Behavioral Cloning: By mimicking human strategies and game decisions, AlphaStar could generate a policy network that provides a good initialization for subsequent RL stages.
  3. Action Prediction: Given a game state, predicting the next action or series of actions that a human might take was instrumental in understanding gameplay dynamics.

Reinforcement Learning Approach

Observation Space:

The observation space in StarCraft II is enormous. AlphaStar had to deal with:

  • Units & Buildings Status: Health, type, position, and current action.
  • Resource Information: Amount of minerals, vespene gas, and their rate of accumulation.
  • Visual Screen: This includes the current camera view and the minimap. Elements like enemy visibility, terrain, and player-controlled regions had to be processed.

Action Space:

Actions in StarCraft II aren't merely about moving a unit from point A to B. They encompass:

  • Macro Actions: Base expansion, resource allocation, and tech tree decisions.
  • Micro Actions: Unit micromanagement, skirmish tactics, and quick decision-making during battles.


While the ultimate reward in StarCraft is victory, intermediate steps play a crucial role:

  • Tactical Rewards: Successful enemy base scouting, defense against an adversary's attack, or securing a resource location.
  • Strategic Milestones: Achieving tech upgrades, building advanced units, or gaining a territorial advantage.

Policy Networks:

AlphaStar employed deep neural networks for its policy decisions. These networks, given the current state, would output a probability distribution over possible actions.

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning System

DeepMind's approach hinged on a league of agents continually evolving and adapting:

  1. Self-Play: The primary agent would play against its previous versions. This ensured that the agent didn't forget older strategies while learning new ones.
  2. League Play: A league of agents with different strategies was created. As agents played against each other, they discovered and adapted to counter-strategies.
  3. Exploiter Agents: Periodically, agents specifically designed to exploit weaknesses of the primary agent were introduced. This ensured that AlphaStar continually patched its vulnerabilities.
  4. Diverse Training: By having agents with varying strategies, the training regime ensured a comprehensive exploration of the game's strategy space, preventing overfitting to specific strategies.